Contact: Eric Prinsloo for now. (Pretoria details to follow)
082 653 7099
Purchase your raffle ticket now to prevent disappointment. The Do It For Dave draw will take place on 13th August 2023. You will be notified if you are the winner via email. Dear fellow cyclistsRead more
Contact: Alwyn De Kock Phone+27 83 234 9910 +27 21 887 1533 Page@FlandriaCycles Page FlandriaCycles Contact Form Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your MessageRead more
Contact: Anton Jacobs Phone+27 71 872 6185 Public GroupVelo Vintage – East London, ZA Page dbn_vintage_classic We ride mostly on Friday mornings. There are occasional vintage rides on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Follow usRead more
Contact: Steven Forster We meet monthly on either the last Sunday or First Sunday of the month in the Cradle of Humankind for a social ride and get together. Please ask to join a dedicatedRead more
Contact: Elmo Barnardt Phone+27 82 463 8510 We have a group called the Retro Coffee Riders. Contact Form Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your MessageRead more
Contact: Las Phone0741804895 Page fallingman_sa We have a group ride with the Stellenbosch crowd monthly called the Chuma group. Other than that there is a group of us do the DC on steel andRead more